Covid19 Info on Staying Safe
Stay at home for 7 days if you have either:
- A high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
- A new, continuous cough – meaning you are coughing repeatedly.
Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.
When staying at home
- Try to keep at least 2 metres from other people in your household, particularly older people or those with long-term health conditions
- Ask friend, family and delivery services to deliver food, shopping and medicines but avoid contact with them
- Sleep alone if possible
- Wash your hands regularly for soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Drink plenty of water and take painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to help with symptoms.
- Do not have visitors (ask people to leave deliveries outside)
- Do not leave the house to go for a walk, to school, or other public places
Testing for coronavirus is not needed if you are staying at home. There are many websites available for advice but if you cannot get advice online use the NHS 111 Service.

Ways to prevent infection at home
Regular hand washing – we touch things in everyday life without thinking about it and now more than ever we need to make sure that we wash our hands regularly. It is recommended that each time we wash our hands we use soap and warm water and wash for at least 20 seconds.
Key times to wash hands include: After using toilet, after contact with pets, before and after providing care for another person, before preparing and eating food.
Covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing – always ensure mouth and nose are covered to avoid germs passing to someone else. Bin a tissue immediately it is used and wash hands as directed above.
Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of coughing and sneezing – where possible try to stay away from someone who is coughing and sneezing preferably in a separate room. It is recommended that a dedicated bedroom and bathroom are available for anyone who is ill to reduce the amount of surfaces the germs can reach. The ill person should eat their meals in their own room.
Keep surfaces clean and disinfected – All people within the household should clean and disinfect surfaces daily as everyone will at some point touch areas that could carry germs these are known as high-touch surfaces.
High-touch surfaces include:
- Tables
- chairs
- doorknobs/handles
- light switches
- tv remotes
- units
- stair case hand rails and banisters
- keys
- cupboard doors
- sinks
- toilets
- telephones
Guidelines on cleaning and disinfecting
Hard surfaces
- Preferably wear disposable gloves for cleaning and disinfecting and discard after use. If using reusable gloves ensure they are used only for the purpose of cleaning and disifecting and not for other uses. Wash hands immediately after use.
- Clean dirty surfaces with a soap or detergent and water prior to disinfection.
- For disinfection, diluted household bleach can bee used if appropriate for the surface but always follow the manufacutuers guidelines for application and ventilation. Never mix household bleach with any ammonia or other cleaning products.
Soft surfaces
- For carpeted floors, rugs, curtains etc remove any visible contamination and clean with appropriate cleaner for the surface.
- Launder item in accordance with the manufacturers instruction
- When doing the laundry of an ill person always wear gloves when handling the dirty laundry, if gloves are not available ensure proper washing of hands.
- Do not shake dirty laundry, wash on the warmest cycle possible for the items.
Ways to prevent infection away from the home
Sanitise your hands before and after using vehicles. Use an antibacterial products to clean the steering wheel, gear stick, dashboard buttons, levers and door handles inside and out, touch screens etc,
Try to avoid touching surfaces in public places but if you do, make sure hands are washed and sanitised after.
Be mindful of shaking hands with people you meet.
Ways to prevent infection in the workplace
- Ensure all washing up is done as items are used
- Wipe down all kitchen surfaces
- Ensure toilets are flushed after each use and clean
- Regularly wash your hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds
- Keep your desk space tidy and sanitised.
- Regularly clean screens, keyboards and mouse
- Sanitise the following items to reduce infection:
– telephones,
– printers
– pens, pencils, staplers, and other stationary items
– kettle